What it does:

The Maintenance MinderTM found in an Acura vehicle will estimate the remaining engine oil life based on speed, temperature and pressure sensors in the engine and how long it operates under more severe conditions.

When the estimated remaining oil life reaches 15%, the system is designed to alert you on your dashboard by a “service due soon” message recommending an oil change. In addition to the code for an oil or filter change, (A,B,0) the system may display additional codes (1-9) for other services items that are due for replacement, service or inspection such as: tires, brakes, filters, spark plugs and other fluids that cannot be directly monitored.

What it doesn't do:
  • Monitor oil level.

    Maintenance MinderTMdoes not monitor the engine oil level in your Acura. Maintaining proper engine oil level is important to preserving engine life and experiencing less trouble with operation

  • Monitor Wear components.

    Tire tread depth brake pad/rotor and battery life are not possible to monitor but instead Maintenance MinderTMrecommends service/inspection intervals to enhance life of these wear components and reduce chance of a problem from unexpected wear out. Your Acura Dealer may alert you during regular service when repair/replacement is necessary.

The Maintenance MinderTM does not monitor the engine oil level in your Acura. Maintaining proper engine oil level is critical to preserving engine life and trouble free operation, so ensuring your engine oil is at the right level by checking it regularly is a good habit to form – please see your owner's manual for details. If it has been more than 12 months since your last oil change, Acura requires the engine oil be changed regardless of the % service oil life displayed. Also, Maintenance MinderTM does not monitor brake pad thickness, brake fluid condition or tire tread depth. Ensuring that these critical items are within specification is important for your safety on the road. If your brake fluid is more than 3 years old, Acura requires you have it changed. Determining the condition of any of these items is something your Acura Dealer will be pleased to assist with.

Understanding Maintenance MinderTM and following the recommended Acura Maintenance Schedule is the best way to ensure a happy and lengthy Acura ownership experience. Every Acura owner has different driving characteristics, which means each has their own unique service requirements. To guarantee the job is done right to meet your specific needs, your Acura Dealer will use only Genuine Acura Parts installed by Acura Factory Trained Technicians who know your Acura better than anyone else. As the primary goal of Maintenance MinderTM is to ensure you're maintaining the car as needed, your Acura Technician will reset the Maintenance MinderTM according to the type of service you have completed on your Acura. Doing so allows the system to clearly determine the next maintenance items required at your next service visit.

Note: If your Acura vehicle is older than 2005 or you require any additional information about your Maintenance Schedule, please visit your local Acura dealership and speak to your Service Advisor.


Please refer to the following Maintenance schedule if your vehicle is any of the following:

2005 - 2010 MDX (all trims)

2005 - 2009 RDX (all trims)

2005 - 2012 TLX (all trims)


Please refer to the following Maintenance Schedule if your vehicle is any of the following:

2008 - 2018 MDX (all trims)

2009 - current RDX (all trims)

2012 - current ILX (all trims)


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